Before deciding to host on a free web host
Consider these problems with free web hosting:
Damaged Business Reputation
If you have your website set up on something like Angle fire, or Geocities or any of the free web site hosts it is pretty easy for your customers to see that you have a free web site.
When people see that you have a free URL or free web site, you've lost credibility instantaneously.
You start out with a strike against you because if you can't afford the $25 - $45 to get a web site how in the heck can they believe in your product or your credibility or in anything you are selling them?
They don't perceive you as a real business… if you can't even afford a small web hosting fee.
Unreliable Account
The second problem is if you have a domain called
Everyone gets to know you at that address. When you become popular and get busy, people know you as that address.
If you ever got into trouble because of Spam you can get shut down immediately. Or maybe your free website host will start charging you. Or they could go out of Business.
If anything at all happened to your URL, you've lost all the business you've worked so hard to get.
It's the same thing as building traffic to a store front, and then moving your store without telling anyone about it. ou get the same kind of problem on the internet.
People know to go to your address, everyone has linked to that address, they search for that address.
Once the address disappears for some reason, then you are in serious trouble. If you plan on going big on the internet, never ever go with free web site hosting!
Limited Facility and Poor Uptime
The third problem about free website hosting is that many of them have different stipulations about what they require you to do in order to get free web site hosting with them.
The major limitations i have noticed are:
- Majority of them do not provide SMTP Email Account
- Free hosts force you to upload files through their user interface instead of ftp.
- Servers of free web hosts down at peak traffic time.
- Free web hosts force you to join their forums and make some posts.
- Free web hosts terminate your account on too many photos upload.
- Free web hosts mostly do not provide database like ms sql, my sql.
- Free web hosts terminate your account if you do not receive traffic.
- Free web hosts terminate your account if your site has too many visitors.
- Free web hosts do not listen to your queries.
- Free web hosts put ugly banners or text links on top or bottom of your website covering 25% screen space.
I have tried most of the free web hosts both on PHP, Java , ASP.Net domain and in my view the most strong reason to say no to them is because they are mostly down at peak hours.
But free web host could be use in some cases
- Web programming test purposes
- If you want a personal website without any cost.
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