For years i knew one method to take my screen output which was revealed to me by one friend of mine.Its like this
When you are ready to take "screen shot" of a webpage
1.Press F11 key located in the first row of keyboard.
2.Now press " Print Screen " Key located in Keypad area of keyboard.
3.Now open MS Paint and Choose Edit -> Paste , this will place your screen shot in ms paint.
4.Save your ms paint file.
But the problem with this method is that if the browser content is scrollable full screen shot fails.
There are many free utilities out there for you to solve this problem now.
But i found this very interesting addon with firefox called ScreenGrab.
Download it from its site and install it.This will create a ScreenGrab launch at the bottom-right area of fire-fox browser.
When you next want to take screenshot of your browser screen just click on screengrab-->Save--> Complete page/Frame-->
Really easy ! isn't it ?